Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Stupid wiffle ball

So we lost in the championship today in wiffel ball. We played the team that had 4 guys on the baseball team on it. We played pretty good defense, but we couldnt score any runs. It was stupid. Now we are all mad, one guy on their team will never stop talking about it. He is just like that, he just wants to always prove he is better and cooler than everyone. Oh well it was fun though. WAY intense. I got a 76 on my health test. I didnt do that good, but I was in the higher percentile of the class. Not many people did very well, so I dont feel too bad about the score.
This morning in lifting, 3 guys were 6 minutes late. For every minute that someone is late for practice or lifting we have to run our guts out. Today since 3 people were so late (they are all roomates, slept through alarms) we had to run like crazy. We ran for about an hour. We started by running 2 miles (that was easy) and then we had to run up the monster hill 5 times in under 45 seconds. That is barely enough time to do it, so we all had to push it so hard. I almost threw up. It was bad. Our coaches were definately not happy at all. Oh well, its in the past now.
time for bed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad about wiffle ball, I'm sure that you already had your championship t-shirt in your wardrobe rotation. As for your running, If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger. Keep up the good work, we enjoy reading about your experiences in college life.
ps, get your winshield replaced so I can collect the money from the stupido auto shop.