Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Its officially miderms.
So far it has been a good week of school. I got my philosophy test back on monday, and I ended up getting a C+ with a 77. Not too bad, it was a really hard test. I got pretty much the class average, so I dont feel too bad. I also got my Art History test back today: I got a 99! I was so pumped! My professor put some extra credit on there, but even without that, I would have still gotten an A I think. Most of my frinds in that class got a really good grade because we all studied together a lot, so that really helped! I was really glad though. So far, I havent had any homework since thursday night, so that is really good. I really am enjoying being able to watch all of the baseball games without worrying about doing homework later. Not much has been going on really, it has been rainy yesterday and today, but it is not as cold as it was last week, so that is good.
This week is our last week of practice, and then we are finishing it off with the alumni game on saturday. Kinda mixed feelings about it, but it will be alright.
I am almost registering for my classes next semester, I have to see my advisor, and then I can register.

no wiffle ball this week :(

time for bed.

my arm is twitching

i have to get up early

i need to wash my jeans

I dont have any clean ones left

ok bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad I can't ship your solo-hitter to you to practise with! Congrats on your Art History test..wow. That means you have a very good memory, like Jeff (certainly not like me!) Be sure to register for a few fun classes to even out the hard ones.