Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hey howdy hey

I finally have some time to do an update on here. I have just been working all day everyday and when I get home I dont have time, or I dont feel like it. But I got today, tomorrow and Saturday off, thus giving me some extra time to do some of the things that needed to get done. So this will be my attempt at an update.
I am basically a slave to my job. :) I have been working at Hadco Construction for close to a month now. My crew is working on a new highway that will connect Redwood Road near Camp Williams to the freeway.

I am working on building the bridge that goes over the Jordan River.
I am basically just the helper boy. I hold up the metal panels, I shovel gravel, I move long metal straps and bolt them into the wall, and I have run the big roller to compact the dirt a few times.
Last week I spent 5 1/2 hours on it just rolling away. But I actually enjoyed that. It was a good change of scenery. But it is going well. I am just always tired and since I work from 6:00-7:00 everyday I don't have time to really do anything but relax at home with Whitney. We have become kind of boring because she works long hours baking cookies too, so we are both just tired and content to pretty much do nothing. :)
We made a quick trip to Vegas to see baby Eli get blessed. That was really fun, but really quick.
Last weekend I went to Whitney's family reunion spectacular, which was like a retreat at her Aunts huge house in Lindon. The whole family was there and it was intense. I had a really good time meeting her extended family, playing games, laughing and things, riding in a limo, and just being with Whitney. They are a little intense, but I survived. :)
Now its the World Cup and I am so excited to watch it! I hate that the games are in the morning though because I work. Thank goodness for DVR.