Friday, October 20, 2006

Sleepin' In

So today started out pretty good... I went to lifting, ate breakfast, and went back to the room to lay down. Usually when I do this, I just rest and dont fall asleep. Well today was a different story. I ended up laying there, not very sleepy, but next thing I know I look at the clock and it is 10:45, 5 minutes before my class gets out. Man I was all disoriented. There are devotionals every Friday at 11:00 and I have to go to those, so I hurried and showered, and after that I ate and went to lunch and Art History. Luckily my professor teaches the same class at 2:00, so I went to that, and hurried and made it to practice. It was an interesting day, but it all worked out. It was weird going into the other class, the atmosphere was completely different, and it was just weird. Oh well, like I said, it worked out.
After practice, I watched the last episode of Prison Break that I needed to watch in order to get caught up for the new episode on Monday. It was a good one, I really like that show. Along those same lines... Lost is really crazy too! I am all confused with all the new twists they put in there. I love that show! I sure hope Jeff and Russin's car (aka Mr. Eko) are going to be alright! Such a good show.
Tonight, me and a bunch of guys went and played basketball, and volleyball for like 2 and a half hours! It was way fun. Basketball was ok, I dont really like basketball as much as I used to, I think it is because I am not very good. But volleyball is so fun, I love it. We had a good time, I hope we do it again but with more volleyball.
Tomorrow is the big bbq that we are putting on. I am glad it is finally here, I was getting sick of hearing about it. The alumni game is tomorrow too. I am excited for that, but we might not get to play because the field is wet. It rained a lot this week, and it is just straight mud. It will be a shame if we dont play because we put so much effort into getting that field to actually sort of look like a baseball field. We actually can see the grass. I guess we will just have to pray that it is warm, sunny, and windy tomorrow so it dries out.
That is about all for now, I need to get rested for the big game... I hope


Anonymous said...

Lucky you could take the class in the afternoon! I'm hoping for good weather for you today..have fun. Theres a doctor at work that just got started on the 24 series. He is so funny, he'll come over to the office area and try to find out what happens next (he's so far behind..Pres. Palmer is still alive:)

TBUTT13 said...

im getting pumped for 24! thanks for reminding me! so the signs are up huh? thats just weird to think about.

Travis Butterfield said...

To be completely honest, I think I am starting to like Lost better than 24. I still love 24, but it might have to take a back seat to Lost. That show is just awesome. I wonder how many seasons they will have. I liked the whole part with Boone last time. That was interesting.

TBUTT13 said...

i almost feel the same way. that was crazy with boone! i was goin nuts!