Thursday, September 14, 2006

Volleyball master!

So today we bought a plane ticket for me to come home for Thanksgiving! Me and dad were looking at tickets the other day and they were around $400 bones and that was the best deal, and now today I was just looking at the flights to see if they went up and the exact same flight was only $268 bucks! I got all pumped, so I called dad, and we bought the ticket! Its official, I fly home on November 21, and fly home on the 27th. I am pretty excited to go home!! In other news, I had volleyball class today and it was like the best day for volleyball so far! We all played so good! I am getting so good at volleyball now. I can pass, set and spike pretty good now. I can actually smash the spike instead of just hitting it over. You might as well call me a pro. I never used to bea able to spike it the right way, but now I got the skills so I can hit it like a champ! Well I better wrap it up, I gotta get up early tomorrow. Man its hard to wake up at 5:30!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you've got a fun class! Hey. . why no blog for the last two days??
Oh...Roger Christensen asked us at the adult meeting (Sat. night) about you and how you like school. He seemed very interested. I'm sure excited you're coming for Thanksgiving!!

Travis Butterfield said...

Just think . . . when you're a missionary you'll get to SLEEP IN until 6:30. Ha ha ha. How weird is that?