Saturday, September 09, 2006


Well today was another day of doing the chains at our football game. It was not as cool as last time because our team got destroyed! it wasnt even a good game. They lost 42-7. Oh well it was alright I guess. I am starting to get to know and be better friends with the guys here, its pretty cool. So I have been playing Mario a lot still. I am addicted! Almost got it beat. I dont even notice the humidity anymore which is nice, the only thing I am still having troubles adjusting with is the time change. I just dont feel tired when I am supposed to. Plus the tv times are not as good here. I like the times that shows are on back home. Everything starts later here its weird. This is just like a hodge podge of random ramblings, I dont know why, but I keep writing sentences that have absolutely anything to do with what I was talking about earlier... too bad for you! There is nothing to do in this town, you really have to be creative to figure out what to do on the weekends! I am not creative so its rough. In some ways I still feel like I am in high school. The small school, small sports, still play cops and robbers at night (thats what some people are doing tonight, not me trust me, thats pushing it for something to do.) But I am playing Nintendo so I guess I have no room to talk.
Well thats about it for now, I really need to get these things organized or outlined or something so I dont just keep doing long random posts... hmmm maybe later.


TBUTT13 said...

stupid spammers!

Anonymous said...

I like spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam.
Monty Python