Sunday, January 21, 2007


Today I had my first experience with freezing rain. It was crazy! It has been doing it all day, and the ground is just covered with ice. It was really weird. I am glad I didnt have to drive anywhere, because I dont think that my car would be able to handle it, especially since I live on a huge hill. Crazy stuff.
So we have been watching Prison Break all week. We all finished season one yesterday, and they have all been catching up on the beginning of season 2 to get ready for the next episode tomorrow night, so that is a pretty funny thing. Everyone at the house is completely hooked, its funny!


Unknown said...

i am way excited to watch prison break tonight.

Travis Butterfield said...

Maybe it's just me, but I thought prison break wasn't nearly as good as 24. But, yeah, it was pretty good. I guess 24 is just the ultimate action show. You just can't beat it. Who woulda thunk that Jack's brother would be a terrorist???

Anonymous said...

WHAT?? I guess I should have watched 24 these past few weeks..

Troy..did you take a picture of the "freeze"? Send one our way if you did!

TBUTT13 said...

what??!! I thought that prison break was better than 24 yesterday!! funny stuff. I only got one picture of my frozen car because my battery was dying, but i will post it soon. right now my internet is not working so i am using someone else's computer.