Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well I am starting to feel better, but I still have a really sore throat and I am congested, and I have absolutely zero energy. Today at practice, I would run for a little bit, and I would just be exhausted, it was rough! It was good to be back though even though I only missed one practice. Anyway, we have a game against our "rival" school Washington and Lee University. They are a pretty solid law school, I bet Chad knows a little bit about them. The best thing is that it is only like 10 mitues away instead of 10 hours. Thats about it for now, I have to give my friend his computer back.
see ya


Unknown said...

glad you are feeling better, and glad to hear you liked the soup! it is pretty good stuff!

Travis Butterfield said...

I hope you're feeling even better today than you were yesterday. So there. AND, I hope you feel even better tomorrow than you do today. But, the day after tomorrow can be the same as the day before, but still better than the day before that. The next day you will feel a little less better, but the day after that you will be completely better.

Put that in your chicken soup and slurp it.


Travis travis bo bavis