Monday, February 12, 2007


These are from the first team we played in Memphis. I was going to take more but my camera was acting a little funny and wasnt working the rest of the trip. Too bad because the second team we played had such a nice field. It was really nice. I was jealous. We leave for North Carolina tomorrow. We are staying overnight again, so that will be a fun one I think. Thats about it


Anonymous said...

Wow another road trip. Be sure to stock up on some treats. We are pretty frazzled with this moving thing. Mom, Kyle, and I worked till about midnight Monday night. We still have some of the little stuff to haul out. There is a huge pile for the dump and the D.I.
Mom is currently doing the cleaning thing and it looks real nice. We sign papers on Wed. and they take pocession on Thurs. Have a great game and get lots of hits.
PS the new house is nothing but stacks of boxes.

Travis Butterfield said...

hey mr. famous! That's cool that you were the hero of one of the games. I looks like Josh Wright is doing really well. Good for him. I hope you guys can start winning some games. That's always hard when you keep losing. But, it seems like you're improving . . . so that's good.

Good luck in NC.