Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pumping iron

Well today marks the first day of my workout routine, and I am pretty excited about it. I gained some definite "holiday weight" and I am not too happy about it, so Derek and I decided to get a pass to the gym by us, and today was our first day there. I am beat. It is a pretty good feeling. I definitely want to take advantage of the free time that I have while I am not working and work on my bod. haha
I definitely am a weakling though. Lindsay could definitely beat me in an arm wrestle again I think. Wait, didn't we do an arm wrestle after I got home? I cant remember, but it seems like we did and I won, but barely. But that is because she wasn't a super tough gymnast anymore. But still, I am weak.
Things are good on the school front. I am liking my classes so far, and I haven't really had too much homework which is nice. But then again, it is still the very beginning of the semester. I have already dropped some dough, and I need to get a job to improve the economic situation.
Things have been really good lately. I am in a good mood.
Today was my first day of institute class. We (Derek, Eric, Collin and I-my roommates) are taking Teachings of the Prophet Thomas S. Monson. I am really excited about it. There was a cool quote from Ezra Taft Benson that says: "The living Prophet is more vital to us than the standard works." I thought that was really interesting. Obviously the standard works are very important to us and we should study them often, but having a living prophet to receive revelation from God for us right now is so important. I love listening to the Prophet, because it is as if the Lord is personally speaking to us. SO... I am excited for the class. I think I will learn a lot.
So, Whitney and I have decided to "officially" go to the next level. I am really happy with how things have turned out. Its just a bummer that we are going to different schools. Oh well. I think just about all of you know about her already so I won't write too much. But things are just dandy! :)
Well, I can barely lift my arms to type anymore, so thats where I am going to end, so... TCHAU!


Unknown said...

Um....who is Whitney? Man sometime I need to tell you about my craziness. Oh and I have a link to the pics on my blog it's under something about stick figures. Oh did I mention that there is a free Dashboard Confessional concert (I am not the biggest fan but it's free) on Friday in Ogden?

Unknown said...

P.S. That shirt is HIDEOUS!!!!!

Lumpy said...

what's the next level?