Thursday, January 28, 2010

Peer Pressure

Ok. I'm going to try and do this story justice. Keep in mind that I am the worst story teller in the world, and also that its hard to describe things on paper rather in person. I have decided to give it a shot nonetheless. It's not a super amazing story, but it's kinda funny. Here goes.
So at Institute (yes, another institute story.) once again while shaking my hand expressed his positive feelings toward me.(I think his words were: "You're the man!") No big deal. I already know this. He had me choose the hymn, so I thought I would have to play the piano again(I did last week) but turns out that I just chose the hymn. No big deal. By this time, he already has my name memorized, which is interesting because he doesn't know the names of too many yet. Anyway, the lesson went on, and about half way through, he paused, and started scanning the class for a volunteer. Yep, you guessed it. He stopped his gaze right at me, and paused and said: "yep, it's you." He then proceeded to call me to the front of the class. He had me stand there in front of everyone, and he told me(at least this is what I understood, as well as a few of my friends in the class) to "find a handsome young lady." Now I understood this as: "pick out a girl and you have to take her on a date." I thought this because earlier he had mentioned how important it is for us to go on dates with girls, etc etc. So thats why I was expecting that from him. So, to follow along with him, I started sheepishly looking around the room.
Then somehow he changed it to asking me if I was a handsome young lady. I have no idea how it got to that, nor how I had understood it the other way. Since I was not the only one to understand it that way, however, I think that he was the one that messed up.
At this point, I was already awkwardly in front of the class, and I didn't know what to do. So, somehow I ended up agreeing with him that I was a handsome young lady. Mostly because I was put on the spot. And peer pressure. Then he took it to the class. He asked them if I was a girl or not, and only like 2 people raised their hands, but the one girl said it was because she thought that everyone would too. Peer pressure.
Then he asked them if I was a guy and they all raised their hands, myself included, and he started asking me why I changed my mind. At this point my mind was starting to seriously jumble. He turned me around and had me look at a slide of the 10 Virgins on the projector, and asked me to describe them. So I did, and came to the point that they represented us, as members of the church.
Hence, the reasoning for the "handsome young lady." Because I am one of the 10 Virgins (metaphorically). So apparently I was right at first when I said I really was a handsome young lady. I'll just pretend like I knew it all along. Right.
Does anyone else think that that was the weirdest way to convey the message he wanted to get across? I sure do. It was so awkward. I already hate being in front of people. But my roommates told me that I was actually pretty composed, and handled it pretty well, considering the circumstances.
But it was so awkward. But funny.
I guess he could tell that I am gullable, and kind of a push over. Who knows. But as soon as his piercing gaze settled on me, his eyes lit up like it was Christmas.
But, the good thing about all of this is that he likes me even more because of this whole experience! Haha.
Hopefully this made somewhat of sense. I am not a good story teller. Maybe this didnt even seem funny. I guess you had to be there.
I'm not as bad as Logan, but I gained some awkward points on this one.


Travis Butterfield said...

your institute teacher sounds like a weirdo. ha ha. I don't understand that object lesson at all. I would have been angry and annoyed if I were you. maybe that's why he DID choose you, because he knew you would be good natured about it, and not get offended like I would. it's just a thought.

TBUTT13 said...

I actually really like him a lot. It just ended up being a weird thing. I don't think that he was expecting me to say yes. haha its all good. We joked about it today in class.