Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hi everyone, its been a while. Our mens and womens basketball teams each hosted a 4 team tournament. The guys team beat the two schools they played by like 90 combined points. They were both pretty terrible teams, but it was fun to watch because we just dominated them. The baseball team was in charge of taking the money to get in, and so I did that for two games, it was kinda fun.
So I have been playing Rampart on Nintendo a lot lately. Me and Alex (both of them) have been addicted to it lately, because it is a way fun 2 player game, and it is just addicting. I love it!
This is the last week of classes, it has gone by so fast! I cant believe it!
I just found out that Dustin Tycksen is for sure going to come out here next semester. He called me and told me, and then asked me what all my classes were, so he could be in them all, it was pretty funny.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear about Dustin. Also, did you hear Aaron Taylor got his mission call to Montevideo Uraguay. He speaks next Sunday. Do you know when Braden leaves? GOOD LUCK with finals!

TBUTT13 said...

i like to get the other guns too, man it is a fun game! wow uraguay thats pretty cool, i am not sure when braden leaves, but i will try to find out.

Travis Butterfield said...

I like Tycksen. He's a cool guy. He cracks me up.