Wednesday, November 15, 2006


So I was playing intramural indoor soccer on monday night and I did a slide tackle, which led to a very painful experience. Somehow my big toe got affected by this offensive attack. I did something to the ligaments. I had volleyball on tuesday, but I couldnt play so after class I had the trainer look at it (he is my volleyball teacher) Its almost a sprain but I dont know. He just told me to stay off of it for a while. Pretty weird. It hurts pretty bad, its way swollen and it is bruised too. I took a picture of it, and I will get that on here asap because it is cool looking. Now I kind of know why when football players sit out a game because of turf toe or something like that. It HURTS!! I cant even bend my toe at all. Its funny.

This is someone else's dirty grubby toe that I found on google, but you get the idea. It actually kinda looks like this but with more bruise


Anonymous said...

The big question is did you win the game or did you sacrifice your body in vain? That does sound painful, you better let coach Turley know so that when its time to do the "late boy" killer run you will be excused.

Anonymous said...

Get some ice on it....often! Take Advil to help with inflammation. Sorry..toes are so sensitive to pain! Also, elevate it whenever you can. I was a little worried about the painted toenail while I was reading your blog!! Phew..

Travis Butterfield said...

bwa ha ha ha. You and your girlie toenail polish. Suuuuuuuure that's not really your toe. Riiiiiiiiight.