Sunday, September 17, 2006


For some reason I havent witten for a few days its kind of weird. I guess I have just been too busy, or nothing really exciting happened. Today was stake conference. It was pretty good, a little different than what I am used to back home, but not bad. They had to do 3 sessions though! Thats crazy! Its funny the stake center is the EXACT model of the church by our house! Even down to the weird stuff on the walls and the wood panel framing... its just weird. I felt like I was in our church at home! The only real difference is that the gym floor is still carpeted like ours used to be. Its interesting that the stake center is the same size as a normal meetinghouse in Utah is. It was packed too. So I told most of everyone today, but I gave myself a haircut yesterday. I was sick of my hair, it was getting way long. Longer than it has been since I started growing it out last year, or whenever I did it. Not too bad. I just buzzed it, not way short like i did in the summer. Thats about it for now. I have a disposable camera and as soon as I take all the pictures, I will get them put on a cd so I can post pictures for all of y'all to see.
ok bye.
gotta get up early.
really early


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that you are learning to use words that are part of the unique southern language. The phrase, all yall, that you used to close your blog is the plural form of yall. You probably will have that come up in one of your english tests this semester. Get on base any way you can.

TBUTT13 said...

well thats not me, but we can say that he is just giving the ball a high five!