So i just spent all this time typing a really intense long post about how i went to falcon falls today and jumped off the cliffs into the pool of water, but i accidently clicked on something and lost it all. So lame.... you all would have been impressed. If you want details about it you can call me; im too frustrated to re-type it all. grrr stupid computers and stuff
Ha ha. (that was supposed to sound like Nelson's laugh in case you were wondering).
i saw the pics in the brochure paw has of them cliff and waterfall thingees and stuff like that. i just called you so call me back when you get off the phoneeeeeeeee
um, that's irritating. I've done that several times. Dang it.
So, did you ever get that thing to work? Or is it just broken? I hope you got it to work. But, if not, I guess it's not the end of the world.
Let me know, eh?
is the lappie broken? is that what travis is referring to above?
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