Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One year older and wiser too...

Wow. It's been so long since I last wrote, its embarrassing. Oh well, at least I'm writing, right?
I am not even going to try and recap all that has happened, because I can't remember it all. But it's been a really good month. (March always is.)
Spring break.
March madness.
Spring training.

My birthday was really good; my first one back! My last one was funny because I didn't do anything special except buy my own birthday pizza.

This year I didn't have to buy my own pizza, don't worry.
Friday, Dad and Mom came down and took me to lunch at Tucano's and it was AMAZING!! I stuffed my face more than I have in such a long time. It was fun to have some good Brazilian food again. I loved it.
At night Whitney came down with her friend Parker, Logan came down from Logan (kind of funny to say it like that) and we went out to Red Robin with my roommates and a couple other friends. It was really fun too, except I couldn't eat hardly anything because of the massive lunch. But thats ok. It was a good birthday.
Sunday we celebrated it at home with the traditional "Sunday dinner." We had a good crowd there. I will post pictures later. Mom and I made Brazilian Flan for dessert and it turned out really well actually. Man, I love that stuff.
I got some great gifts. I got a pair of shorts, and temple clothes from Mom and Dad. Jeff gave me a CD by Vampire Weekend. (I like it!) Kyle and Cortney gave me 2 shirts from American Eagle (my very first cowboy style snap up shirt.) And Whit gave me a new CTR ring, which is awesome. Thanks y'all! :)
Now we are back to the nitty gritty. I have a chemistry test Friday that I am not ready for. It's going to be massive (like 95 questions!) Things are cracking down.
Today, I went to the dermatoligist and marked the day for my surgery! haha Don't worry. I am just getting a cist (spell?) removed from my face/neck that is really annoying. Its not until May. No big deal.
Thats it for the basic update. I already have written more than I originally had intended.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

An update

I haven't written for a while, and there is a lot to update. I don't think that I will even remember much to tell since so much has happened.
I will try and remember, so this might just be a really random, rambling post. But thats ok.
School is going well. I am at the half-way point pretty much and I can't believe that it has gone by this fast. I am doing fairly well in most of my classes. My worst is my chemistry class. I think I have and overall 80% in the class so far, so I need to kick it in gear and do better on the upcoming tests and such.
My pride and joy is my Art History class, because I got a 98% on my test that I was so stressed about. I will have another test right after spring break, so we will see if I can keep up the with the same results.
Spring is in the air. I love springtime. I love how everything seems to be "waking up". You see more people out and about, you can wear less layers of clothing, I get to drive with the top down. There are many reasons why I like spring. Its a little strange to not be playing baseball though. But I am loving the fact that its baseball season.
Last weekend I went to the Jazz game with Derek and my friend Todd.

I guess the biggest news since I last wrote is that I have decided to transfer (yet again) to Utah State, and I have sent in my application. I just have to wait for my transcripts to get there, and I'll be "in like flint". I am really excited about it, and I feel good about the decision, so thats good too.