Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well I am starting to feel better, but I still have a really sore throat and I am congested, and I have absolutely zero energy. Today at practice, I would run for a little bit, and I would just be exhausted, it was rough! It was good to be back though even though I only missed one practice. Anyway, we have a game against our "rival" school Washington and Lee University. They are a pretty solid law school, I bet Chad knows a little bit about them. The best thing is that it is only like 10 mitues away instead of 10 hours. Thats about it for now, I have to give my friend his computer back.
see ya

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Well my computer has officially died. It wont even turn on anymore. It has been struggling for the last week or two, and now it just froze up, and then it completely shut off forever. Pretty weird. Kind of a bummer.

Monday, February 12, 2007


These are from the first team we played in Memphis. I was going to take more but my camera was acting a little funny and wasnt working the rest of the trip. Too bad because the second team we played had such a nice field. It was really nice. I was jealous. We leave for North Carolina tomorrow. We are staying overnight again, so that will be a fun one I think. Thats about it

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Im Back

Well I got back last night at 5:30am, that was rough. Not a very fun drive in a van. It was a long trip. I tried to sleep, but everytime I would get close, or comfortable, I would just get so uncomfortable and awkward, so I had to move and stuff. It was tough. But that is about as far as we have to travel I think, so at least it is out of the way. We lost all four of our games, I did alright this tourny, especially the last two games. That wasnt too bad. We just couldnt put anything together really. Hopefully we start getting things together. If you want to check out how we are doing, you can check out our school's website. You can just navigate around and see whatever you want to see on it. I really dont care what you see!
Thats it for now.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Well Im off to Memphis, wish me luck!! I will take pictures for you to see.
Oh by the way, it snowed like 4 inches here on tuesday. Pretty crazy

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I got this from Mark Smith


I bought a small heater fan thingy today. I couldnt take it anymore! This morning, the thermostat needle was below all the numbers! This is all crazy. The housing lady is supposed to come over and get a guy to fix it, but I just am going to use mine in the room because my room is almost colder than all the other ones. It is supposed to be this cold for a while which is definately not a good sign.

This picture is of my genious invention to keep my legs warm during practice yesterday. I was pretty proud of it. It worked too! If you cant tell, that is an extra pair of my long sleeves, and I just tied a not at the top to keep it around my waist!

Monday, February 05, 2007


Oh man, it is so cold today! It is 19 DEGREES!! The wind is just terrible too. Our heater in the house barely works too, so the house is like 65 degrees no matter how hot you put it. It is so bad! My room is especially bad because of the windows, we have 5 in our room alone. I hate it!! We have practice outside today, and it is going to be just miserable! I am not excited.
In other news, I forgot to tell anyone, but on Sunday, I was called to be a teacher in Elders quarum every 2nd Sunday. We will just have to see how that goes. I start this Sunday, but I actually might not even be there because we will be coming back from our game. Who knows. I will only have to teach 3 lessons total, so that wont be too bad I guess. Yep

Saturday, February 03, 2007

SVU vs. Averett

Check it out! This is a crazy site that Lumpy showed me, you can design your own m & m to look like you, or whatever you want. Its pretty funny.
In other news, we lost both games today. The first game was 5-2 I think, and the second was like 8-0. We played pretty well the whole time in both games, our pitching was good, and our hitting was not too bad, we just couldnt come up with the big hits to score runs, and we werent catching any breaks. They got so many lucky bounces, and stuff like that. Both games we had just about one bad inning where they broke the lead open, and put it out of reach. Some of it was our fault, but most of it was just that the ball wasnt falling our way. Oh well, it was a good day overall, I feel pretty good about it. I played center both games, I didnt hit too great, but I was hitting everything hard, jus right at someone. I almost took one out, the guy ran it down on the warning track in left center about 385 feet. If the wind hadnt been blowing so bad, I would have hit it out. Oh well. It was a good day. I am glad that we are started, its good to be back. Now we know how good we can actually be if we do the little things right. So there

Thursday, February 01, 2007

New Uni's!!!

Check it out!!!! Not too shabby huh??